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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Battlefield 2142 Review by a Newbie

By Egon Vennik

The basics of Battlefield game play is that there are two huge teams running around a huge map in order to try to retain control over 5 specific places (flags). To achieve this objective, each player can choose from a variety of specialist functions, and each team has a number of vehicles at their disposal.

Previous Battlefield games revolved around the Conquest game play mode, which in 2142 remains unchanged insofar as I can tell. Although there are a few variations, the general theme is that each team starts with a limited number of times it's players can respawn, and holding more than half of the flags steadily depletes your enemy's number (as does killing them). I immediately disliked it, and still only enjoy a select few maps in this mode.

Boarding titan via APC Titan mode is fundamentally an evolution of Conquest - you are still running about trying to capture flags (now in the form of missile silos), but this time they are used towards a more tangible objective. Each team has a huge Titan airship as a primary base, and captured silos fire missiles at regular intervals to slowly destroy the enemy Titan. This gives a much better feeling that your actions are achieving something - capture silo, witness missile launch, notice a definite dent in the HP bar of the enemy Titan. After you have inflicted sufficient damage on the Titan, you can press the victory by boarding it to attack from the inside. I found this action- and objective-orientated game play much more satisfying.

Troops safely exit a air transport. Players should be aware the learning curve in Battlefield is quite long and steep, exacerbated by advantages from obtaining unlocks (discussed later). Don't expect to install and blast away like some shoot-em-up, initially movement can feel clumsy, fingers search among the myriad of key bindings and everything is best approached with a bit of patience. Don't be too apprehensive about joining in on-line, there is a single player mode to obtain basic experience but unlike smaller team play games ineffective players are absorbed by the large numbers, so provided you're not crashing loaded troop transports nobody notices. But seriously, please stop flying the damn troop transports.

Don't exit vehicles hastily. It takes some time to learn to minimise the highly frustrating deaths that can seem outside your control, "favourites" being spawning in an air transport a second before it plummets into the ground, stepping out a vehicle just as it moves an inch more, being blasted to smithereens while failing miserably to free your tank from some minor foliage, walking into the overpowered yet minuscule sentry guns, or the sudden appearance of "respawning in 10" with no apparent cause even in the console. If you can control the initial desire to scrub your PC of the bastard game and gleefully torture the disk with a lighter and penknife, there is a lot of enjoyment to be had.

There is a heavy bias towards the vehicles. BF veterans frequently comment the combat is much less vehicle biased than previous games, where it must have been really bad. They are vastly more powerful than infantry, who (particularly on the demo) have little at their disposal that can cause any damage to armour at all. Whilst the full game allows experienced engineer players to acquire weapons which are much more effective, infantry combat is still reserved for the immediate area around objectives.

At the objectives things are much more balanced, to the point that a vehicle is a liability against sneaky engineers. There's cover to use while targeting the weak spots on armour, obvious places for mines and heavy gun emplacements even offer other infantry classes a chance. However, it remains that you have very limited use without transport. If you lose your vehicle in any of the empty spaces, expect to be useless for a long, long time. Thankfully silo areas spawn vehicles in Titan mode, and there is a suicide button on the class select screen.

The most effective vehicles, the gunship and the walker, are also the most popular ones - with 16+ players on your team and usually only one or two to go around, the best men do not get the job very often. BF games are frequently touted as a "sandbox" experience, and certainly players can find a wide variety of ways to make themselves useful, but it can also be restrictive as to what extent players can exercise specialised vehicle skills in any given round. Instead, players should approach it with the aim of achieving objectives, making use of whatever is available at the time - pity then that the vast array of available medals (which can award substantial points towards an unlock) are rarely objective orientated, it's notable that there is no "number of titans destroyed" medal, but there is one for spending 10 seconds in a parachute (incidentally, surely a Halo medal should be awarded for the free-fall time...)

With the large number of objectives and people to complete them, games can turn into a scrabble of a skirmish, which can leave the player feeling a little aimless. It is quite a contrast when you get a good game going, with the well designed squad system dividing players into small, effective teams - teamplay is heavily rewarded in BF2142, both via results and via the artificial points system. Clans from other games, typically limited to a pool of 8 players at most, scoff at the huge clan armies that exist in Battlefield. Clanning in Battlefield is often more public-server focused however - it rapidly becomes clear that any loose affiliation of players will more regularly be able to find a solid squad to join. A good squad makes the difference from a game that can be quite fun and a game that is a lot of fun.

Additionally, each side has a single Commander player who can issue commands to the entire team, as well as perform other functions like move the Titan around, call in air strikes or supply drops. A good commander gives the team leadership and cohesion, greatly increasing he odds of winning. Unfortunately, the position doesn't always attract good leaders, and Commanders getting high points does nothing to help. The voting system should eventually alleviate this, currently votes usually fail due to lack of participation, something that should improve over time.

Graphically, the visuals do the job plenty well enough, and are probably deserving of some credit if you're into aesthetics. Any reader can make up their own mind from the various screenshots*, movies and demo, but it's worth pointing out performance is actually pretty good. Using a 7800GTX, 3700+ AMD64 with 2gb RAM everything works fine at the high settings, which might not be spectacular but big open spaces can have a lot going on when servers can have as many as 64 players. I did however end up turning them down to a mix of medium and low settings as visibility is notably better (there is no significant config tweaking in BF2142, and note absence of widescreen options). The two teams should also be more distinguishable, for infantry it's black with a little white vs. black and slightly less white. In practice, friend or foe is identified from the colouring of the name floating above them.

Creative's X-Fi range of cards are promoted with the game, and from the options screen it appears you require one to obtain the best sound effects. Sticking with my old Audigy however, the audio is unimpressive yet hard to fault. Gunfire sounds sufficiently meaty, vehicles sufficiently... motorised, perhaps positioning could be better in stereo mode.

Lag can be a problem, but considering the amount of stuff that must be getting crammed down my measly 512k connection, I have to say the netcode generally isn't bad. game play does not rely heavily on 'twitch' skills, so a small amount of lag does not have the consequences it might in other games. 32-player servers are my mainstay and provided you select carefully, lag is rarely a problem, on 64-player insanities it gets a lot worse but still better than I had expected.

I am not a big fan of "experience point" systems bringing artificial advantages for experienced players to pwn n00bs all the easier with, so you can probably guess my opinions on making them permanent under the guise of "unlocks". Further, a significant time investment is required before you can be fully versatile. Some "unlocked" weapons are significantly superior to those initially available, so adapting to requirements carries a penalty. The concept does however mean you get continual rewards for your efforts, and maxing out the options for one specialist class is pretty easy. Crap round? At least it got you a few points closer to the next unlock.

With any major franchise, every new release brings much moaning from some quarters of the incumbent game. BF2142 is no different, with the main criticisms being that BF2142 is little more than a major modification or expansion pack for BF2, a game which they feel has been inadequately supported. As a Battlefield newbie, for me the game play is quite fresh and it is not a case of whether it is better or worse, but rather whether it is good entertainment or not. I cannot evaluate the veteran's arguments beyond the evidence that BF2142 itself does not feel complete and polished.

A press release admires the "nearly 18 months of development", but this is a short time for a triple-A title, and it shows. Many aspects of the game give a feeling that it needs a good six months more work to put it together properly. Titan mode is particularly afflicted, once inside players often stick out of what they're hiding behind, bullet tracers whizz through walls, mines float through solid floors, "injured" players drift through the titan, making them difficult to revive. I don't want to moan on about every bug, partly since bugs can be patched away - most of those I find most infuriating are already noted for patching, though some of these issues surely could not have gone unnoticed during QA testing.

A cynic might wonder if, on day of release, there was a grin or two in the offices at id Software. BF2142 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, two obviously competing games, were due to be released at roughly the same time. Did id throw in a red herring release date and watch EA rush to be first to market? BF2142 was released as announced but clearly several months too early, while ETQW endures a delay of several months - perhaps it will arrive when it's done? PC game makers, id Software included, generally seem more concerned with the state of the platform than competing games, but if I had to bet on anyone falling for such a ploy I'd place all my chips on EA.

Battlefield is a cash-cow franchise for EA, and they milk it hard. When you first open the box, you are confronted by the famously alarming slip of paper, a leaflet advertising Creative X-Fi, and a booklet which is a 21 page advert masquerading as an "Official Gaming Guide" (the manual is 24 pages). During game installation, you are invited to install some GameSpy software, and if you choose not to it still puts files on your disk and slips an invitation to install it on the Start Menu folder. Then you're invited to register the purchase with EA by handing over your personal details, and fill out a marketing survey. The survey promises a freebie of some kind - this isn't a free unlock, but a trivial tip.

All angles are covered in the pursuit of revenue, for most games there is a free dedicated server program, but here server operators have to pay for a licence if they want to run ranked Battlefield servers. Obviously this cost is passed onto their customers, who provide the public servers that the game is completely reliant upon.

The slip of paper previously mentioned refers to the monitoring of in game advertising, a subject which deserves an article in itself. I'm not ecstatic about adverts within games, and it is difficult to imagine them being thematic, given it's supposed to be the year 2142 during an ice age and everybody at war. The adverts haven't been activated yet but there are a significant number of billboards that look likely positioning, my impression is they will detract somewhat from the theme but otherwise not get in the way. Server hosts must have awfully sore backsides by now, they pay for all the hardware, bandwidth and maintenance (not to mention the EA Rank tax) that is utterly crucial to the game and yet who is getting paid from the advertising being displayed to players on their servers? Consumers should be wondering why they are being bombarded with marketing and yet receiving no price discount.

Copyright protection is further evidence of the focus on revenue. CD-Keys are required for installation, and on-line authentication, so it is excessive to require that the DVD be in the drive for on-line play. How much does all this copyright protection cost anyway?

Battlefield 2142 game play is fun and interesting, despite it's flaws. Take any review site that breaks scores down into categories and I'd have to give it a good 7 or 8 out of 10 for each, it deserves it for graphics, sound, game play - all the usual categories. It's a multitude of other things that drags it down, has you sighing when you should be grinning. Granted, some of these issues are the fixable kind, but if comments from BF2 players are anything to go by I'm only so optimistic, despite the promises. One can't help wondering if this would have been a really great game if there was less focus on revenue and more on development.

A Battlefield 2 Player's Review of Battlefield 2142

By Egon Vennik

A Battlefield 2 players review of Battlefield 2142

I was lucky enough to secure a invitational beta test from EA very early on in the Battlefield 2142's development. Some might say "unlucky enough" but I remained confident throughout the beta testing phase that the games complications would be ironed out in due course. EA/Dice have indeed had a rough ride from the Battlefield 2 community throughout due to Battlefield 2's chequered history, so scepticism regarding Battlefield 2142 was rife with a fair proportion of the community stating "Its simply a mod of Battlefield 2". Indeed Battlefield 2142 does share the same engine as Battlefield 2 although changes and optimisations have been made for improved performance and in game effects which I will elaborate on later in this review. Although Battlefield 2142 is a stand alone game and not a mod of Battlefield 2, comparisons will and are inevitably made as both games share the same engine (albeit optimised for Battlefield 2142 in various aspects) although the reader of this article must bear in mind this is NOT Battlefield 2 and most certainly doesn't play like Battlefield 2.

Gimme game modes!

Excluding the blatantly obvious differences between Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 such as the futuristic setting, Battlefield 2142 offers the same Conquest mode familiar with the Battlefield 2 community in which players must secure as many flags as possible, or control more than half the flags on the map to slowly deplete the enemy's tickets to secure a win. Along with Conquest is now a mode called Titan. Titans are considered the motherships of each team and if your team is successful in destroying the enemy's Titan, you are granted the win. Destroying the Titans themselves consists of capping ground based silos. Each time a silo is capped a missile is launched at the enemy's Titan. That same silo will launch missiles intermittently to deplete the enemy Titan's shield, unless the silo is re-captured by the enemy. Once the enemy Titan's shield is disabled from the continual barrage of missiles, the teams have a choice of to continue capping silo's until the Titan is completely destroyed or go for an early kill by boarding the Titan. Players can board the enemy Titan by pod or other means such as flying transport. Once you are within the Titan, your task is to reach the reactor room. Before you can successfully reach the reactor room you must disable FOUR consoles that lower internal force fields one by one, thus allowing you access to the next console respectively. Once all consoles are destroyed the Reactor Room door blows and allows entry to destroy the Reactor. Destroying the reactor can be achieved by weapon fire or explosives to secure a win.

Titan shenanigans

Due to familiarisation with Battlefield 2142's environments and weapons, Titan mode was hectic during beta with people seemingly wondering around the map, although as time went by you now see concerted efforts by both teams to destroy each others Titans. The mixture of open map combat to close quarter corridor fire fights makes for a varied game play experience that also opens up the realm of tactics considerably such as, do you go for an early kill by boarding the Titan or continue with missile attacks via capturing silos let alone what squads and classes that are best for the job at hand. When located within the enemy Titan you invariably find yourself facing a well dug in defence as a large percentage of the Titan is composed of corridors and chokepoints making for some fierce firefights with many casualties on both sides accordingly.

Overall, Titan mode is refreshingly new and implemented into the Battlefield universe very well, while maintaining that crucial balance issue that is required of any FPS game.

Graphics and the Battlefield 2142 engine

Battlefield 2142 shares the same engine as Battlefield 2 although it has been optimised for better frame rates and eye candy with some other code changes to accommodate the vehicles such as the Battle Walker. As a seasoned veteran of Battlefield 2, I can see a marked increase in performance with Battlefield 2142 in relation to Battlefield 2. Due to PC specifications and the variables involved, this might not be the case for everybody, although I can confidentially predict if you run Battlefield 2 I would say this would perform just as well, if not better on your current rig. You certainly notice the eye candy graphics in action when within the games environment, most notably the temporary vehicle force fields and massive explosions. Buildings and landscape are complex in construction although sensible in design offering you good cover in many situations. The landscape itself does indeed look like a battlefield with craters and half destroyed buildings on fire adding to the expected battlefield atmosphere. The overall "tone" of the game is implemented very well with weaponry and mechanics suitably detailed and coloured for the games futuristic setting while providing a large selection of maps offering a varied battlefield experience and environmental setting.


As the year is 2142, you certainly notice the difference in tone with weapon use. The sound effects are considerably more "meatier" than Battlefield 2 in every aspect. Explosions are the most impressive with a pleasing bassy rumble coupled with the lighting effects added from the game engine itself makes for pleasurable frags. Indeed, explosions of all types are one of the most impressive aspects of the game purely because of the sound coupled with graphics. The clever use of background radio use adds to the futuristic theme of the game while not interfering with the job at hand. Each sound seems to fit the situation perfectly from pod launches from APC's to reloading your weapons. They seem to have spent a lot of time in the sound effects department in the construction of this game and its certainly noticeable by the quality. The musical score for the game itself lends well to Star Wars in its orchestral mix and is much more pleasing to listen to when connecting to servers or navigating the games options. Many FPS games have failed to deliver within the realms of creating that all important atmosphere to suit the setting. A good example would be firing the primary weapon on a tank only to hear a wimpy "boom!". Battlefield 2142 delivers in every respect regarding sound by providing that all important "BOOOOOM!".

Weapon handling!

This seems to also be a controversial issue within the Battlefield community. I have always felt Battlefield 2 was influenced by the wrong people within the patching process and a little to much was nerved to accommodate those people who are either just to lazy to learn specific skills or are simply to stupid to play Solitaire let alone Battlefield 2. I know this is a controversial comment but I have been part of this community and have read many posts within this subject with have never felt the weapons to be inaccurate. I can say I have indeed emptied an entire clip into someone only for them to turn around and kill me, although this experience is few and far between and is also present in Battlefield 2. Bullet spread overall seems more concentrated towards the center of your crosshair than Battlefield 2's and just s Battlefield 2, burst fire or single shot mode often alleviates all issues of accuracy. Because weapon accuracy is seemingly better in Battlefield 2142 I usually experience much less enemy proning unless at distances.

Gameplay feel:

My first impression was the immediacy of mouse movement in comparison to Battlefield 2. Mouse movement seems much more responsive and accurate which is certainly an aspect that I personally thought Battlefield 2 lacked, possibly because I'm an old school Enemy Territory player. It has previously been mentioned that Battlefield 2 didn't allow the option to disable mouse acceleration so maybe this has been disabled as default? Please do NOT presume that Battlefield 2142 is similar to Battlefield 2 regarding gameplay speed. After the initial familiarisation with weapons and its Titan game mode, you will immediately realise Battlefield 2142 is considerably faster and fierce in gameplay than Battlefield 2, and you generally find yourself in combat situations much more frequently than Battlefield 2. Although gameplay itself is faster, the soldier movement does seem pretty accurate to that of Battlefield 2 although ever so slightly faster in your average run speed although run length is shorter but fixable via an unlock. As expected from a seasoned Battlefield 2 player, vehicle handling initially felt unfamiliar, primarily with the hover tank, but as with any game it is soon mastered and perfected to devastating effect. Flying is very much easier than Battlefield 2, although balance has been maintained with suitable ground support weapons to counteract the airborne menace and certainly doesn't present the same problems experienced in Battlefield 2.

Badges and Toys!

Battlefield 2142 has a stat system of its own with a large and varied selection of unlocks per soldier. It has been argued a small number of unlocks should come as standard on certain soldiers such as the defibrillator kit on Assault class and universal sprint speed length throughout all classes as opposed to an unlock, which I tend to agree with, but other than that the selections are well chosen and provide for extensive variation in gameplay from the A12 Enforcer Sentry Gun to the IT-33 Optical Camouflage for Recon class soldiers. Unlocks feature heavily in Battlefield 2142 and must be chosen carefully to avoid all those "doh!" situations in which you say "I could have used that!". Upgrades also consist of smaller items such as sniper scope stability upgrades, ammo clip upgrades and of course the controversial stamina recovery charge as well as providing further battlefield team communication methods such as reconnaissance drones. Overall your not stuck for choice although players are advised to choose their unlocks carefully to accommodate their play style and requirements. Badges are awarded as Battlefield 2 although now there is extra incentive to use the knife in combat as you are awarded the enemy's dog tags for each kill as bragging rights, a very good addition to the game and is most amusing when the enemy is your friend on coms.

Game options

There is everything you would expect within Battlefield 2142's options as you would see in Battlefield 2's, although there are a few changes for the better. Most notably is the addition of a buddy system within the join server screen. This option allows you to add your "buddys" and then you can ascertain exactly which server your friends are playing on without obtaining that annoying IP address or server name (ALL on-line games should have this simple option btw).

Round experience:

The initial onslaught is magnificent as both teams scramble to cap the silos. In one sense you dont want to be the first person on scene as you usually find pods of personnel dropping left right and center to your position itching to take you down although this is why its beneficial to work in squads to prepare for such situations. Indeed the pod drops could be right next to you or if carefully navigated (difficult) on top of you killing you instantly. Sometimes you find yourself in a face off with a tank. I tend to throw EMP grenades (unlockable) while a Recon class soldier moves in with an RDX Demopak (C4 equivalent) although again this is if your team is working AS a team. Once you have capped the silo you find a few vehicles spawning which tend to be different depending on which silo you've capped. Once you have secured the area you have a choice on how to move to the next silo. You find a buggy will spawn on all captured silos, these offer a very fast means of transport around the map although weak in armour. Alternatively you can launch yourself from an APC pod and navigate directly to the next silo or possibly land yourself at a clever vantage point to cause disruption and offer covering fire while the rest of your team move in. After a while you find the enemy Titan's shield is depleted, from this situation you can reach the Titan by air transport or pod. I usually navigate an APC which my team can spawn and use a pod to land on the deck of the enemy Titan.

When within the Titan,

you generally find a well dug in enemy who will stop at nothing to take you down. It's generally a good idea to move in slowly and use your iron sights regularly to spot movement or a prone solider waiting with a support class gun. Corridor fire fights are intense and many people die. One situation I experienced was a stand-off with the enemy located within the Reactor Room and my team outside throwing everything we could at them. I noticed a blurry outline of a solider exciting the Reactor room briefly and thought nothing of it until I was stabbed in the back by a Recon class soldier using active camouflage. I assign a droid (as squad leader) who begins shooting into the Reactor room and a few grenades later we move in for the kill successfully taking down the last few remaining enemy soldiers. We begin shooting the reactor core and when critical we run for the exit to bail.


I generally find intense battlefield experiences on Battlefield 2142 much more frequent than Battlefield 2 in the sense there's numerous transport options and your never far from the battle unless spawning, and even then you can spawn within the very Titan your defending. Overall I think the game although not massively dissimilar to Battlefield 2 regarding game modes and the principles of unlocks and stats, offers a fresh gaming experience in speed and intensity that certainly warrants the space on your hard disk.

Counter Strike Source Game Review

By Dominic Acito

The long awaited sequel to counter-strike, counter-strike source has finally hit the market. This multi-player only game is simple and consists of a Terrorists force and a Counter-Terrorists force. Their are two types of game objectives and game maps. Their are bomb maps in which the Terrorists are trying to bomb a target, and their are hostage maps in which the Counter-Terrorists are trying to save hostages.

This game is similar to the original, but is using a whole new, impressive engine. This engine allows for realistic gravity, life like graphics, and objects spread around the maps that act as they would in the real world. However, because of this new graphics engine, you will need a good processor and solid video card to see the full effects. This new graphics engine also includes something called HDR lighting. High dynamic range imaging (HDR) is a set of techniques that allow a far greater dynamic range of exposures (i.e a large difference between light and dark areas) than normal digital imaging techniques. The intention of HDR is to accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes ranging from direct sunlight to the deepest shadows.

Counter-Strike Source uses familiar weapons and maps. The weapons are made to resemble weapons from real life like the glock, the m4a1, the ak47, and the awp. All of the same maps such as de_dust2, cs_office, cs_italy, de_nuke, and de_inferno can be played. However, these maps are all new and improved and the detail and graphics on these maps is impressive compared to the older versions of the maps.

Overall, I give this game a 9/10 and would say that this game lives up to precedent set forth by the original counter-strike.

Find strategy for counter strike at counter-strike

Chameleon Gems Game Review

By Denis Snow

The Zuma style games are very popular. And the more and more developers create more and more games using the similar gameplay. One of the latest games which combines Zuma gameplay with some new features is Chameleon Gems. It’s very addictive and not so easy game and everybody must play it!

Most of you probably know the basic rules of the game, but if anyone do not I’ll tell it for you. On game field color balls (they are called ‘gems’ in this game) move from one point (called ‘hole’ here) to another one.. Your main objective is to destroy all color balls by shooting differently colored balls at them and creating the groups of three or more balls of the same color. And a number of various bonuses like fireball or slowing down of balls moving are usually given during the game.

As I already wrote earlier in Chameleon Gems you must destroy all gems not allowing them to fall into the hole. The main creature in this game is Chameleon – you control him and shoot colored gems . You can get a number of different bonuses, the most interesting one is the Rock Gun (it’s interesting because none of similar games has it). When you take it you get ability to shoot small rocks at gems and destroy them. The game is fully 3D and has one interested feature – sometimes the gems are moving above other gems on two or three levels , and when you destroy underlying gem then upper gems fall down and you must destroy them too. It gives to a player more opportunities to destroy gems and to create chain reaction for gems destroying. You even can complete the level having shot only one gem , but you must be extremely lucky for it! ;)

Another one very good game feature is the Shop. When you destroy gems or end up the level you get scores and some money. You can spend this money in the Shop after ending up any level. Here you can buy different bonuses that will be working on the (next - ???) level for a certain period of time (for example you can buy Fire Ball and on next level you will get this bonus every 45 seconds ). You can buy bonuses for one next level only and it will cost less money. For much more money you can buy different Chameleons. The Chameleons have different abilities – for example standard Chameleon you start playing with is Azure skin Chameleon and he hasn’t got any special features. But you can buy Gold skin Chameleon and you will get by 20% more money on a level. You can buy many different skins for Chameleon but only one of them can be used for a level, and you can choose the skin for the level in the shop. The shop has very many positions to spend your money, but to buy them all you should earn loads of money! ;)

This game has at least 107 levels to play; it can be seen on the very nice game map. The game unique features combined with good graphics and effects and mixed with suitable sounds and music make from this game the truly gem of latest games releases. If you like Zuma or Tumble Bugs games you must try to play Chameleon Gems. And I proud – you’ll fall in love with it!

Super Dragon Ball Z Review

By David Allison

There are those that are thankful that the Dragon Ball Z series continues to continue, and there are those that wonder how the hell it can continue since it doesn't seem to evolve. There really is no need to wonder anymore my friend. As long as the first group I mentioned continues to buy the continued series, the series will continue to continue. How many more Dragon Ball Z games can we expect in the future? To be continued…

Those that do appreciate Super Dragon Ball Z don't need any excuses. They are a diehard bunch that won't be satisfied with just any old fighting game. Even if they aren't into the whole anime thing, Super Dragon Ball Z is built on a solid fighting platform that few games can match. It doesn't have all of the bells and whistles such as tons of different modes and unlockables that a lot of games rely on, but fans appreciate this game for what it has and that seems to be good enough for them.

It's not enough for me however and while I can appreciate the responsive controls and the depth of combat, the game lacks magic. I want more than just a fighting game, in fact, I demand more. Dragon Ball was already established as a great fighting game years ago but little has changed with the series since the start of the millennium. You could almost say that some things have regressed with this title. There isn't as much combat depth as was seen in some of the earlier titles, even though this version is taking a slightly new course and focusing more on close-range combat. You would expect more moves with such a format but moves such as counters and reversals are the exception and not the rule.

In all there are 18 characters. A dozen of them have been ported from the arcade version and six are exclusive to the console version. Goku and Gohan are back, of course, and you can also expect the androids, but no particular character stands out in terms of personality or ability. The ability issue I can understand because you can upgrade each character much like an RPG, but the lack of personality is unforgivable. Did the developers think that we're already too familiar with the characters and that anything further would be overkill? Imagine overkill in a Dragon Ball Z game. Ridiculous, I know.

Using the core of a particular character you can upgrade him by acquiring moves with points that you are awarded in combat. This will give you some flexibility with the characters but you can end up with the same result regardless of which character that you begin with. The moves are basic and the super moves are relatively easy to pull off. The combos require some quick button configurations which gives the combat more depth than your average button masher. With the trend toward more close-range combat you will spend less time in the air doing aerial combat, and the two main combatants will be within striking distance of each other so there will be more a focus on fists and feet than long-ranged power beams. You also won't see a lot of the dramatic, special attack animation that has been a staple of the game and cartoon series. Super Dragon Ball Z attempts to distance itself from the cartoon by paying homage to the comic book style which is a little more mature, which means it's less colorful and over-the-top.

The 3D environments can be used strategically for cover. They are interactive and destructible and add some more dimension to the gameplay as they add multiple levels that you can jump up to or down from. The collision detection system however makes things a bit messy. You will hit the odd invisible wall that hinders your movements and occasionally you'll get trapped between these planes and find that you can't attack your opponent even though they can attack you.

Regarding the AI in the single-player mode, you won't be disappointed by how convincingly they are programmed. They put up a good fight that is natural and best of all, unpredictable. Each character has some special attribute that is exploited. It's not enough to give them a nuanced personality; they become a stereotype, or caricature of a character. The two-player mode is more than just the icing on the cake, it's the main ingredient. The single-player mode is just a prelude to the multi-player mode, but only if you can find a worth adversary. Playing against someone that lacks the passion will be an agonizing experience. You'll find yourself yearning for the challenge of the single-player mode.

The music is an amalgam of remixed old and new tunes. The sound effects are decent but nothing special. The voiceovers are functional but do little to further the plot or define the characters.

Overall Super Dragon Ball Z would be best described as "slightly different" than "new and improved." Not everyone will agree that this is a waste of money but be sure to rent it first if you have any doubts.

Check out Cheat Code Central's full review of Super Dragon Ball Z, which includes our scores and screen shots for the game. For tons more reviews, previews, and cheats for PS2, Xbox, PC, Xbox 360, GameCube, PSP, DS, GBA, and more, check out Cheat Code Central.

New Super Mario Bros. Review

By David Allison

He's been reincarnated in various forms and formats but this time the Mario that we all know and love has been resurrected in true classic, plaforming action in the latest DS game, New Super Mario Bros.

New Super Mario Bros. returns to Mario's roots. We haven't seen a Mario game like this in over 15 years, and even longer if you consider that the N64 version was rendered in 3D. This version is a 2D side-scroller but it does incorporate some excellent 3D graphics. Mario is rendered in 3D as are many of the enemies and environments, although you can't explore them like you could in the N64 version.

Right from the first few seconds of play you can tell that you're in for a good time. The game just reeks of quality. It looks great, sounds like nostalgia, responds brilliantly and is great fun - and that's just the first minute of game play. You can tell that Nintendo has done their homework on this game. It retains the look and feel of the side-scrolling Super Mario Bros. series but manages to update and upgrade it with new moves, enemies, booby traps, puzzles, bonuses and secrets so that you will always be mindful that you are playing a new game and not some reheated rehash. There are plenty of nods to its heritage, including goombas, Koopas, question mark blocks and flagpole jumping at the end of levels but these are classic elements that I believe must be included to give us a sense of familiarity. Maybe this wouldn't have worked five or ten years ago, but enough time has passed so that we don't perceive these elements as hackneyed.

With today's games we tend to take the storylines too seriously, when in reality the story can't fix a terrible game. The Super Mario Bros. storyline is about as basic as they come, and we don't really expect it to be any different. Come to think of it, it doesn't need to be any different. It's all laid out for us. Are mission is to rescue to Princess from the clutches of Bowser, in this case, Bowser Jr. He's kidnapped her and taken her to the castle at the end of the first level. Once you reach that castle, Bowser Jr. takes Peaches to the next castle. This continues on through numerous levels. There are eight worlds in all, and an overhead map allows you to see all the different levels in each world. It's quite easy to get through the entire game since there are plenty of power-ups and extra lives, but you'll miss out on the whole experience if you just go barreling through the levels without stopping to smell the piranha plants.

There are a couple of hidden worlds to unlock. You should explore all areas thoroughly to find all of the unlockables, secrets, surprises and shortcuts. There is also the added challenge of collecting coins. Not only will you earn extra lives by collecting coins but there are three huge coins in each level for you to locate. This challenge isn't easy and I didn't find them all yet but I'm intrigued to return to the levels where I missed them. The replay value is tremendous if you decide that you want to find everything in the game and take part in all of the challenges.

Mario has plenty of moves this time round. He will still run, jump and stomp but there are a few more moves that give him more flexibility, and he'll need it to negotiate his way through some of the more deadly platform elements and enemies that he will encounter. A butt bounce will allow him to smash the blocks he's standing on. He can grow large enough to take up the entire screen, which allows him to smash tons of blocks and take care of smaller enemies by trampling them. A mini-mushroom will make Mario tiny and allow him to enter into small places. It will also let him walk over water. A wall bounce lets him scale walls to reach new heights or can be used if he falls into a pit.

Platforms will twist, bend, warp, shrink, expand, hover, fall, elevate and destruct. I don't think the developers left anything out. Even the ground will undulate, causing Mario to experience a rippling effect not unlike a ship on a stormy sea. Despite all these new elements and moves, the game doesn't take full advantage of the DS's unique control system - not the touch screen control system or even the dual screen for that matter. The bottom screen is basically used just to display your progress in each level. The touch feature is used almost exclusively to access your power-ups. In other words, there's nothing that you would really miss, control-wise, if this game were released on the GBA. However, the graphics are what really matters and this game would never look this great on the GBA simply because of the DS's uber-powerful processing capabilities. This version not only looks 10 times better than the Super NES version, but it's just as big. Think about that for a moment. That should tell you how far Nintendo has come.

But wait, there's more…The game also features a two-player verses mode featuring Luigi. The premise is a race of sorts, to see who can be the first to grab five stars in a platforming obstacle course. You can purposely attempt to injure the other player by banging into him. This will cause him to drop his star and allow you to claim it for yourself. This mode can be played via sharing with only one copy of the game card. The same mini-games from the Super Mario 64 DS game are also included but they can be played with other players, requiring only one copy of the game. These mini-games make better use of the touch controls but they aren't incredibly exciting.

The sounds are fantastic. It's like having an arcade in the palm of your hands. "Is that an arcade in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Mario has a voice in this game and repeats a few Italian-soaked clichés. Thankfully he avoids saying, "That's a spicy meat-a-ball-a."

New Super Mario Bros. is new in looks, feel and gameplay but thankfully we still get to visit Mario's old super stomping ground. This game is reason enough to purchase the DS system if, gosh forbid, none of the other killer Nintendo titles have tickled your fancy yet.

Check out Cheat Code Central's full review of New Super Mario Bros., which includes our scores and screen shots for the game. For tons more reviews, previews, and cheats for PS2, Xbox, PC, Xbox 360, GameCube, PSP, DS, GBA, and more, check out Cheat Code Central.

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Review

By Carl S. Richardson

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories was hailed as the "killer PSP game". The popular GTA series had to make its way onto the PSP sooner or later, and it's PSP debut is great.

The game takes place, as the title suggests, in Liberty City, which is the city that Grand Theft Auto III (the series' first 3D game) is also situated in. Rockstar Leeds simply converted the city onto the UMD, and changed a few things to make it look more modern, as LCS is set after III. Having said that, the only real changes are shops, which have different names and styles, which is quite disappointing. A new city to explore would have been much better.

You play as Toni Cipriani, a no nonsense guy who's willing to do anything and remove anybody in his way. Unlike GTA III, he can talk, which makes the cutscenes better. The basic story mode consists of missions that do tend to get repetitive. You'll go to a guy on your map, he'll give you a mission that usually involves killing someone, and you get paid once you're done. Once you've completed enough missions, you'll move on to the second island of Liberty City. There are three islands in total, and you unlock them over time. It's a good incentive to complete the missions, but for people who have played GTA III, there's nothing really new.

Though the game focuses on missions, the free roam ability is truly magnificent. You may find yourself playing it over and over again, and rarely getting tired of it. There is no free roam mode, in fact there are no modes, the game simply loads when you turn it on. Whether or not you choose to engage in a mission is up to you. If you choose not to, you can roam freely around the city, causing havoc, or just exploring. You can also collect a number of weapons, ranging from pistols and UZI's to rocket launchers, flamethrowers and sniper rifles. You'll also have melee weapons such as knives and baseball bats. Or, if you want to do some damage from a distance, use a grenade or Molotov cocktail.The amount of weapons in the game is similar to the PS2 versions, which means there's loads.

The cops are still present, so if you blow off too many heads, you'll get some heat on you. The cops are divided into levels with the usual system. You have 1 star at the beginning, and if you keep blowing things up, eventually it will increase to 6 stars, and you'll have the army after you.

The vehicles in the game are again similar to previous versions. Veterans will remember the Patriot, Cheetah, Infernus, Banshee and so on, although some have redesigns which look more modern. You can also have motorbikes, which have never been seen around Liberty City before Motorbikes are generally faster and have better handling than the cars, and make it easier to perform unique jumps, and such. There are no bicycles in the game, which was a nice addition to San Andreas. As you progress through the game you will also have the chance to ride boats. It's not as fun as it sounds, and it never really has been in any of the GTA games. Boat handling is sluggish and it's not fun to drive them. You can no longer fly. Anything. Not a thing. The Dodo was a plane on GTA III that was located in the airport, which you could fly, or at least try to. This time there is no Dodo, no helicopters, no planes whatsoever. It really feels like a missing factor, although in one of the missions it is possible to steal a helicopter, so the physics and controls are still technically in the game. Why there are no planes to fly is confusing. The police still have choppers following you, so watch out.

A new mode of transportation is the ferry. It's basically a slow boat ride and you don't get to drive the boat. You even have to pay for the service. It is a quick way of getting from island to island though, and you do get to keep your car.

The general controls of vehicles is good. Sports cars have great speeds and handling, and slow cars have reduced turning capacity. The controls on foot have been changed dramatically. You use the small analog style stick to control Toni, and vehicles. The directional buttons are used for changing weapons and starting various side missions. Of course the PSP has less buttons than the PS2 controller, so condensing everything was not an easy task. Sometimes the controls do feel very fiddly and it can be frustrating when you need to target things quickly.

Adding on to the "Toni Can't" list, is the ability to swim. Implemented in San Andreas, this feature is absent. It's only really missed when you fall off a cliff into the water, as you could swim to the side and get out. Instead, Toni simply drowns. All of the abilities to increase stats are no longer present, but it's not particularly missed.

Toni can change clothes, and there are some nice options. He is unable to change specific body parts, instead you choose from full suits. Though changing clothes is a small part of the game, you probably would never notice this option if it wasn't required for some missions.

If you don't want to do any main missions, you can engage in some of the side missions. Famous in all PS2 GTA games, these usually involve Taxi missions, in which you act as a taxi driver and deliver passengers before time elapses. Ambulance missions, where you take sick people to hospital. Firetruck missions, which involves putting out fires like burning cars. A new side mission is the dump truck mission. You simply need to collect all the green trash cans within the time limit. All these missions are basically the same repetitive actions. The rewards are worth the effort though.

There are also hidden packages throughout the game in various locations. Nothing new to the series, but collecting all 100 adds weapons to your hide out. Unique jumps are large jumps where the camera changes and it goes in slow motion. When you successfully complete a unique jump, you'll get money for your effort. While these things are by no means new additions, they are nice to have, and it expands the game.

We all know that the PSP has wireless capabilities, and Liberty City Stories takes advantage of that. The wireless multiplayer action is staggeringly good. You must have friends with PSP's and copies of the game, but if you do, you're in luck. The game allows for total free play with your friends. There are many different game modes which adhere to the capture the flag premise. Most of the games work in this way. Liberty City Survivor allows players to play against each other. This is the mode you'll be playing none stop. Even after you have finished the game, it is unlikely that you will get bored of the multiplayer action.

Liberty City Stories has the same radio themed soundtrack. When you enter a vehicle you can choose from a number of radio stations, all of which have different styles of music. The soundtrack has some known tracks from the era, but nothing too impressive. In comparison with the Vice City and San Andreas soundtracks, this is sub-standard.

The graphics throughout the game are fairly cartoony. The series was never meant to be a simulator, but some smoother graphics would have been nice. Sometimes it can seem that Toni has several legs when you are running. Also, at times the frame rate has trouble keeping up, but only when there is lots on the screen at once. For the most part, the frame rate holds up well. The loading times are acceptable. There is a loading period at the start and then as you cross between islands, a loading screen will appear, but only for a few seconds.

Overall, it's a great addition to the Grand Theft Auto series, and the PSP line up. You can't help but feel it's just a watered down version of a PS2 GTA, or simply an expansion pack, that doesn't expand on much. Nevertheless, the action in single player, and in particular, multiplayer, is well worth the purchase. was created to provide articles on a number of different subjects ranging from PSP game reviews to Science.

The site is owned and run by Carl S. Richardson and Joe Denison, who are also known for a number of other websites including a Playstation gaming website.

God of War Review

By Carl S. Richardson

Since God of War was first demoed back in early 2004, it's been on the wish list of many action/adventure fans. God of War begins with a suicide, that of the main character. While this may sound like an exceedingly short game, it becomes clearer over time. Kratos, a tough Spartan warrior, throws himself from the highest cliff in Greece. As he plummets, you see the events leading up to the suicide. Essentially, Kratos was transformed into a killing machine by Ares, the God of War, who then tricked him into committing a sin. Kratos seeks vengeance on the Ares. This begins the combat, and the emotional tale that surrounds the action.

The setting in itself is powerful, with vast open environments that can be quite beautiful. The detail in some of the locales is quite spectacular, and the same applies to the creatures that you will encounter. Each have a number of variants.

The camera is fixed. A term which may (and probably will) put some gamers off, due to the unspectacular fixed camera in other games. However, Sony have evaded all the problems that arose from previous games, and it works tremendously well. It zooms in and out at certain times, making platforming objectives so much easier. Sony have made it seem almost beneficial to the standard manipulative camera view.

Kratos comes armed with chains that are attached to his wrists. At the end of these chains are sharp blades, for swinging and building up fierce force and power. The viciousness of the weapon fits Kranos's character neatly. Not only visually satisfying, but the sound of the swinging and clanging together of these vast blades is quite terrifying. Athena also loans her giant blade to the warrior, but most of the time it seems so much easier to just use the chained blades.

As mentioned in the Rawpulse Preview, Kratos can sweep enemies into the air, and follow with a series of juggling attacks, for an effective combination. Once enemies have been eliminated, they break up into glowing red orbs, which can be traded for upgrades. One slight problem with the AI, is that it seems to be more aggressive that smart, but you don't really notice, as you'll be battling your way through.

Button sequence attacks make a truly exciting element of the game. When an enemy is worn down from the basic attacks, Kratos can move in and perform a finishing move, or instigate a mini game fatality, which involves a series of buttons to be pressed when prompted. The tougher opponents will require a more complex series of buttons, but the reward is great. Kratos will perform some spectacular moves, complete with flips, stabbing, and a finishing move that is disturbingly violent.

Not only do creatures leave the red orbs for trading, but also some drop orbs to increase your health. Some creatures deliver magical energy, or a combination of several orbs. If you press the wrong button during a sequence attack, you will leave Kratos open for a violent counter attack. While it may be simple to just avoid this kind of attack and kill the opponent with a traditional attack, it's so tempting to unleash a damaging series of splendid attacks.

As you progress through the game, other powers are given to you by the Gods. Ripping the head from Medusa delivers her evil gaze; Poseidon donates an electrical attack, Zeus his thunderbolt, and Hades, with an Army of Hades power. These powers can be upgraded, similarly to weapons, with advantages to higher power levels. Additionally, Kratos can release the rage of the Gods, which offers invulnerability, and enhanced attack power. Combined with some of the previously stated powers, Kratos is deadly.

For an action game, God of War contains some of the best puzzles. They make sense in terms of the story and settings, and they seem to fit in with the current level position. The puzzles may not be complex, but the main theme is action, so it makes the game seem more whole and complete.

God of War provides an unprecedented thrill, and is a real pleasure to play. was created to provide articles on a number of different subjects ranging from PSP game reviews to Science.

The site is owned and run by Carl S. Richardson and Joe Denison, who are also known for a number of other websites including a Playstation gaming website.

Chaos Theory - A Gamer's Review

By Arjun Mukherjee

“Chaos Theory” is one of the sleuth-based video games in the series of video games provide by Tom Clancy's Splinter cell series of video games. The game has been developed and published by Ubisoft. This game is the third in the series of Splinter Cell series and one of the most intriguing video games that has ever hit the market. As usual the hero is Sam Fisher, the lone splinter from the Splinter Cell of the Third Echelon of black-ops branch of NSA in United States.

The arrival of “Chaos Theory”

Though the game was scheduled to be released in early 2004, it could not be so and was finally released as version compatible to Xbox, Play Station 2, and Game cube as late as in March, 2005. At the same time its version for PC also came out. A few versions meant for the Nintendo DS and Nokia N-Gage were also released. Background music and soundtrack of this video game was composed by Amon Tobin who framed it on Ninja Tune record label. For the cinematic effects of the game, composer Jesper Kyd composed the music. For voice, actor Michael Ironside and Don Jordan lent their voice for Sam Fisher and Lambert, the boss of Sam Fisher respectively. The game earned excessive popularity all over the world and as a result was declared as the game of the year in 2005. The video game was applauded all over the world for its outstanding game play and lively graphics. The graphics in this game of Chaos Theory has made several improvements over the traditional system of the video game that includes both normal mapping and HDR lighting.

Get to know more here: Splinter Cell for PC, Xbox and PS2

The process of Stealth

In the game of Chaos theory, the Stealth mechanics have been refined quite a lot. There is the traditional light bar but the addition is an aural monitor to measure the noises exactly what Sam makes during the operation he undertakes. Because in the endeavors Sam undertakes, it is extremely important that the sound is minimal or else he may be tracked down and eliminated himself. Another alteration that has taken place in the game is the AI detection. In the previous version unconscious or dead bodies were automatically detected and an alarm ringed but now in the newer version they are to be specifically detected and an alarm will have to be ringed. An alarm will be a great help for the enemies to spot Sam and they will be ready for the combat. Two peculiar features that have been added lately to this video game are interesting. The first one is that repeated alarms will not automatically terminate the game. Secondly, for killing civilians, Sam may be heavily chastised by his boss and authorities. Consequentially, his mission scores may reduce to a great extent. The “Chaos Theory” is the first of such games that keeps track of the performance of players during the mission and a summarized report is available at the end of it.

Chaos Theory combat and weaponry

Even for the hand to hand combat, Chaos Theory provides a knife to Sam that can be used for threatening to killing. The attacking prowess is from all sides and not only from behind as in the older version. Even while hanging upside down Sam can choke or strangle his enemy. Pulling people over railings, throwing bodies of the cliff or over railing or pull them over. Though the capability of shooting round the corner is removed, the same is balanced by allowing the gun to be on either side of the body. In the field of weaponry, there are three kits to choose from. The first one is the Redding’s Recommendation kit which provides a fine balance between lethal and non-lethal weapons. The Assault Kit has more ammunition and less non-lethal weapon while the Stealth Kit is just the reverse of the Assault Kit. Then there is the 5.72 mm pistol with OCP which means Optically Channeled Potentiator that can disable electronics for the time being. A green light indicates hitting the target while a red like indicates a miss. The SC-20K modular assault rifle now have multifarious new gadgets like a launcher, under mount shotgun for close range firings and a 20mm sniper scope for long range combat. Non-lethal weaponry is multitude in number and has items like sticky shocker that shocks and numbs all targets. There are also multiple type of grenades and a gas to make the enemy unconscious. On the other hand the enemy prowess has improved too with various new features.

Get to know more here: Splinter Cell Cheats

The Plot

Main focus of the game is on Far-Eastern countries like North and South Korea and Japan. The information warfare of Splinter cell stages a return here. The plot is as intriguing as the game and you can have a feel of the same when you play the game of Chaos Theory.

Arjun is an ardent lover of travel, video games, photography and music. Get to learn more about him at ARJUN

Gamasutra Review

By Adam Wiskar

Gamasutra is a site which says it's all about 'The Art & Business of Making Games'. I know at one point in my life I've wondered about how cool it would be to create the next Grand Theft Auto or Crash Bandicoot. We've all said to ourselves about how we can make a better video game than some of the crap out there.

The colour scheme of the site is very irregular to what you usually see and it can be a bit off putting but I think it works because it's original and memorable. So when you talk about this site with your friends and they go 'What was the site's name?' and you tell them, then they already have spread their name around the world. All that just from the layout and colour scheme. I haven't even gotten to the content yet.

Now for the content. After checking out the links at the top, some parts of the site you can't get into unless you're a member but if you're someone that likes playing their gmes and just has a vague interest on developers then those parts probably wouldn't be of much use to you. If you're interested in working on creating or developing games then you can check out their 'Jobs' section and look at the various listings there. Most of the jobs seem to be in the United States with the odd few in Europe so if you're really talented then the company might pay for you to move to the US. Doesn't seem too bad.

Gamasutra have their own store where you can buy guides, help books and pretty much any sort of book/CD that's related to the programming and development of games. The site is American so you'll be paying in Dollars so if you're in Europe then you can take advantage of the economy for once :-P

Now, their 'News' section is very industry-related as you would expect from a site like this. Now, most people wouldn't really care about this sort of news but some of it I find is rather interesting and they do have some good exclusive articles such as the PS3 E-Distribution one. They are very good reads and defnitely worth a look.

As for the rest of the site, you have a part of it dedicated to the education of learning how to make games as well as a place to submit resumés if you're interested in getting into the gaming industry seriously. If any of you do, please make something good like Darwinia which shows you don't need a big budget to make an industry success ;-)

That about wraps the site up. This is definitely one for the hardcore and enthusiastic so if your interest in games is only casual, be wary. A very interesting site.

Written by Adam at - Visit us to find more reviews.

Game Copy Pro Review - How to Make Backup Copies of Your Expensive Video Games

By Victor Vargo

If you're looking for a way to make a backup copy of your video games, you may want to consider Game Copy Pro. This professional quality package helps you make a backup copy of most any computer game or video game using only a CD burner or DVD burner.

This is ideal for anyone who wants to store copies of their favorite games just in case the originals are damaged, destroyed or lost. Using this program is so easy, a computer newbie can do it. With Game Copy Pro, you can copy all sorts of games including Nintendo Gamecube, XBox, Playstation, Dreamcast and more.

This program is perfect for the serious gamer as well as the basic player. Whether you have a few games or lots of them, this Game Copy Pro has the potential to save you money on replacement games.

When you order this program, you also get a free bonus that gives you unlimited game downloads. This free bonus lets you search for games as well as movies, music and other programs with no spyware or adware. There are no limits and the best part is, this comes free with your purchase.

The bonus alone is worth the price you'll pay for Game Copy Pro, which is a staggeringly cheap $29.95. Imagine how much money you would lose should something happen to your collection of games. One video game costs around $50 or even more, so if you have lots of games this can really add up. This program pays for itself, many times over.

Another good thing about Game Copy Pro is that the copies you'll make actually work in your system. Anyone can copy a game, but making it work is another issue. With Game Copy Pro, you won't need to worry about it because your copies will work in your system every time. Ease of use, affordability and performance are three big reasons why anyone looking for a way to copy their games should definitely use Game Copy Pro.

The icing on the cake is that you'll always get free updates, which means as the software is improved and updated, your copy will be, too.

For additional Game Copy Pro reviews and for information on how you can download a copy of Game Copy Pro, visit the Software Review Center at Today!

Paparazzi Game Review- What A Ride

By Stone Blackman

Get Ready To Be Addicted To Paparazzi Game

Paparazzi is an amazingly addictive fun puzzle game Ever since the launch of the Paparazzi game, over 5,000,000 folks just like you have downloaded game Paparazzi. With 3 various and different game modes, such as spot the item, find the difference, and also quick shot.

Download game Paparazzi will have you digging up dirt on celebrities like you've never done before.

Paparazzi Game - The Competition Abounds

The game Paparazzi is even more fun and wildly entertaining. The paparazzi game is also extremely competitive, but one never does hear about the paparazzi getting pounded on by anyone but the celebrities that they harass. The original Paparazzi game was a great success and was also played by almost three million people. The Game Paparazzi allows you play against friends and family members to ascertain who may be the best at avoiding the spotlight or snapping a photo that is worthy of the tabloid's.

Game Paparazzi - Earn Money

This Flash game will allow the player to actually be the Paparazzi and take photos of all kinds of celebrities whether they're being good or bad at the time. The better shots that you take the more money you can earn and the quicker you can advance to the ensuing level.

Paparazzi Game - Hot On The Trail

You will chase the trail to all of the hot gossip and ridiculous news in Game Paparazzi. This game Paparazzi has the It has the capacity to be a great puzzle game, and it is extremely obvious that mountains of work went into the game's development process. I am waiting anxiously to see Paparazzi expand and improve and become an even greater game.

Paparazzi Game Full Version Is A Must Have

The full version of Game Paparazzi offers an unlimited amount of play time. Game Paparazzi full version also offers 10 different photo assignments, and 15 distinct and unique locations. Game Paparazzi is one of those ever enthralling and addictive games where you may find yourself still sitting at the keyboard after several hours of play.

I definitely suggest downloading game Paparazzi or purchasing the full version to ensure plenty of playing time.

Paparazzi Game - Incredible Graphics and Effects

Paparazzi game features incredible graphics, funny characters, and strange and wildly bizarre adventures. Game Paparazzi is a great game for the whole family. In actuality, it is alot of fun even if you have never thought of being an actual paparazzi.

Paparazzi Game - You Are The Paparazzi

Game Paparazzi allows you to experience the adrenaline occupied existence of a tabloid photographer. The paparazzi game gossip celebrity perspective of Paparazzi game does put a radically cool spin on proven game formats that have already been proven to be highly effective and popular in various games.

My name is Stone Blackman, I am an avid video game enthusiast. I have written articles online, as well as for offline content networks. My expertise is definitely in the video game arena. If you would like to learn more about about downloading Paparazzi Game, then start here Find Out More Here - Paparazzi Game, there are many excellent resources at this site for you to download Paparazzi Game Check It Out Here

Warhawk Review

By Sayed Islam

This is a PlayStation 3 exclusive video game that is a remake of the original PlayStation iteration. Sony has decided to make it strictly a multiplayer endeavor. Warhawk was scheduled for a single player campaign; however, Incognito wanted players to be immersed in an online gaming experience. Up to 32 players will be able to duke it out, and there is no decrease in frame rate. Gamers will begin Warhawk by picking a Eucadian character or a Chernovan character. Both are virtually identical, and they have no real outcome on the gameplay.

The gameplay is rudimentary, yet it is more than satisfying. Simply put, you are attempting to eradicate your adversaries. Warhawk boils down to four gameplay elements: deathmatch, capture the flag team deathmatch, and nodes. Multiplayer nerds will feel right at home with deathmatch and capture the flag. In deathmatch, you pulverize all your opponents until no one is left standing. In team deathmatch, you and your allies eliminate all your enemies.

In capture the flag, you capture a flag and return it to a particular location. Many multiplayer novice gamers will find that Node will be somewhat unfamiliar. Node is essentially a mode where you strive to take control of areas on the map and convert them into your bases (ala Star Wars: Battlefront).

The weapons in Warhawk are a sight to behold. These entail air-to-air, air-to-ground, ground-to-air, and ground-to-ground weapons. Machine guns, mines, flamethrowers, turrets, rockets, and missiles are a small sample of a plethora of available weapons in Warhawk. Players will also notice that you cannot abuse any one weapon; moreover, there is a checks and balances gameplay mechanic that works well. For example, using a rocket launcher is immensely powerful but slow. Conversely, shooting a machine gun is swift but significantly less powerful. This rule applies to all the weapons in Warhawk.

The vehicles range from the basic land automobiles (tanks) to the notorious Warhawk aircrafts; gamers will also be able to travel on foot. All the vehicles have their pros and cons, but my personal favorite has to be the Warhawk. Dropping a bomb and firing swarming missiles at other players are inexplicably gratifying. The six axis controller fits Warhawk perfectly, but some players might never use it. This feature can be toggled on and off easily, so you are not coerced into playing a style that does not suite you. Personally, I discovered that Warhawk was intuitive without utilizing the six axis controller. Unfortunately, there is a stiff learning curve that comes with playing Warhawk.

I guarantee that a bevy of gamers will flounder their first thirty minutes in the game. It is not necessarily a pick up and play video game. You have to comprehend the nuances of the gameplay to ultimately be successful. A ranking system that will be determined by your performance in each mission. This is the very first time that a video game can be purchased in a retail store or via PlayStation Network. The retail store will sell Warhawk with a headset, but it is $ 60. The PlayStation Network will sell for $ 40, but it does not come with the headset. Both versions of the game play the same. The audio is realistic as you will hear gunfire and explosions.

The visuals are not exactly next generation from a PlayStation 3 game. Some of the character models look downright abysmal, but the vehicles look above average. The strictly multiplayer missions should not deter gamers from enjoying Warhawk. I have not had this much fun playing an online multiplayer game since Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront 2. It is a brilliant multiplayer experience that will keep any gamer busy for countless days.

final verdict 8 out of 10

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 Review

By Sayed Islam

Tiger Woods seems to have the perfect lifestyle. A drop dead gorgeous Swedish supermodel wife, an enormous mansion, fame, money, on Forbes list of celebrities, an adorable daughter, close friends with Charles Barkley, thirteen major championships under his belt, and his very own video game.

Tiger Woods 2008 is the next iteration in the fairly long series of Tiger Woods video games. If you are an avid fan of the Tiger Wood games, you will feel very much at home with the latest installment. Electronic Arts have been notorious for making arcade Tiger Woods golf video games to appeal to the casual gamers, but his year seems different. Unrealistic scores (like 50 under par) are virtually impossible to achieve this time around. The gameplay is similar to the previous games in that it keeps the player immersed in the golf course. One new feature is a revamped putting system which allows you to anticipate the line of trajectory that your golf ball will travel on the green. Even though it is not as useful as Tiger Vision, (which was introduced in Tiger Woods 2005) it still helps to line up the putt. There is a limit to how many times you can utilize this feature, so players should not expect to abuse other players with their putting. Your skill level and difficulty will determine how many times you can use the putt preview.

Another element of the game that might turn a few players off is the golf swing mechanic. The analog sticks are no longer used to hit the golf ball; however, the buttons are used. This alteration may have been because of the lack of challenge with hitting the golf ball with the analog stick. The new way to make contact with the ball is to press the button three times (ala Madden kicking field goals). Once to start your swing, twice to start your downswing, and a third time for accuracy. If it seems too intricate, it really is fairly intuitive. Madden fans can easily make a smooth transition with this gameplay mechanic. Photo face is yet another new feature of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008. It gives gamers the opportunity to generate their own face and put it in the game. This feature appears to be exclusive to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Electronics Arts has not corroborated a Photo face feature for the Nintendo Wii. Sorry Nintendo Wii owners. The create a golfer aspect is back, and it has the usual things you would expect. You can create a golfer as skeleton-like as Nicole Richie, or as putrid as Rosie O'Donnell. It is all up to the gamer. All of the mini-games remain intact in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008. The visuals in the game are brilliant. Everything from the beautiful golf courses to Tiger Woods' millions dollar smile will appease anyone. Shot Confidence is another original aspect of the game. In a nutshell, playing well gives you confidence. Playing poorly lowers your confidence. Many will be dissatisfied with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008, but other will be elated. Overall, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 is a solid improvement over Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007.

Final verdict 8 out of 10

The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Review

By Sayed Islam

When The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was released for the Xbox 360 in 2006, it was considered by many to be the best role playing game of the year. Fortunately, PlayStation 3 owners will now be able to delve into the world of Tamriel. Oblivion is based on a user created character that is immersed in a world of tyranny. The gamers role is to find an heir to the throne because the previous heir was murdered. As a result, the gates to the Oblivion open. Consequently, nefarious demons come from these gates and attack innocent civilians. Players must find a way to find the heir and prevent the destruction of Tamriel. The game starts by customizing your character from the ground up. This entails race, gender, class, and attributes (ala Jade Empire). A few of the classes include thieves, warriors, and wizards. Each class has their own pros and cons. For instance, a thief will be proficient in pilfering items. A warrior will be an amazing fighter, and a wizard will be a brilliant spell caster.

The gameplay is where Oblivion really shines. It is more than a linear role playing game. One element of the game that sticks out like a sore thumb is the exploration. There are a plethora of video games that give you an objective, and you have to see it through until the end. That is not the case with Oblivion. Players are in control of when they want to further the main storyline. In regards to the main storyline, you will be encountering a myriad of malicious monsters that want to crush Tamriel. Gamers can follow the main plot, or they can fool around with the seemingly endless character interactions. What would a role playing game be without side-quests? Nothing. Luckily, Oblivion does a remarkable job of giving you a laundry list of optional missions to complete. One of the optional missions can be to retrieve an item. But it is not as rudimentary as that. While recovering the item, you might be ambushed by some thugs or creatures. I would spend so much time away from the main storyline that I forgot all about it. Secret caves and dungeons are places that are scattered throughout the world of Oblivion.

The combat in Oblivion feels more like a first person shooter than a true role playing game. You can attack with various magic spells, swords, arrows, and so much more. For example, gamers can assail a foe from afar with magic or arrows. After that, they can close in on their opponent with a sword attack. Having versatile combat like that is unprecedented for a role playing game. Sometimes you do not even have to fight. Stealth can be utilized in order to circumvent your way through the next stage in the game. The audio in the game is not bad. The sounds of weapons hitting against each other do sound realistic.

All of the dialogue in the game is spoken. In contrast to the lifeless reading of text in role playing games like Zelda and Final Fantasy. Conversely, many of the same voices are used for multiple characters. The visuals in Oblivion on the PlayStation 3 are marginally better than on the Xbox 360. Frame rate flaws on the PlayStation 3 edition are slim when compared to the Xbox 360 iteration. Loading screens are no longer a concern with the release of the game on the PlayStation 3. If anyone came across a loading screen in the Xbox 360 adaptation of the game, he or she could have more than enough time to make a sandwich and eat it. Unlike the Xbox 360 version, there is minimal load times throughout the duration of Oblivion on the PlayStation 3. Overall, Oblivion is an epic role playing game from beginning to end. Over forty hours of gameplay is well worth anyone's time.

final verdict 9 out of 10

The Darkness Review - It is Heart Stopping

By Sayed Islam

The Darkness is a PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 exclusive first person shooter video game that fell under radar. It was one of those game that was completely lost due to all the BioShock madness and based on the comic book the Top Cow. Ironically enough, 2K games (the same game company responsible for The Darkness) made both The Chronicles of Riddick and BioShock. The storyline of The Darkness transpires in New York, and it is about a youthful 21 year old Mafia gang member named Jackie Estacado. He ascertains that his own Mafia (led by Uncle Paulie) is attempting to murder him; moreover, Uncle Paulie sends out a hit on Jackie and his girlfriend Jenny because Uncle Paulie believes that Jackie has stabbed him in the back. Jackie evades death and begins his journey for vengeance. Deceitful plot twists will no doubt keep players interested in the storyline from start to finish.

The gameplay in the Darkness is a first person shooter with a twist. The twist being that the protagonist is possessed with this malicious voice named The Darkness. It is not merely a voice; furthermore, The Darkness is capable of controlling over Jackie's body. These demonic capabilities will give him the chance to accomplish extraordinary feats that a mundane human could not perform. Gamers will see two demonic figures coming from each shoulder as they play. They look like menacing creatures that make eradicating humans straightforward. One of a bevy of things that players can do is set one of your two dragon-like creatures on the ground and see it annihilate a foe. You can also utilize the Darkness to stab straight through an enemy. This will result in you ripping the heart straight out of one of your countless foes; consequently, your darkness creature will ultimately eat the heart.

The most powerful Darkness attack is the ability to open up a black hole. This black hole eradicates all opponents on screen at once (ala Tequila Bomb from Stranglehold). The Darkness can also act as a shield and provide you with better vision in the dark. Speaking of the dark, staying in the dark would be wise. When you use a darkness power, you exhaust darkness energy at an alarming rate. An intriguing gameplay mechanic is that being in the dark will enhance your attributes and regenerate your health. This is pivotal because shooting out the lights will always put Jackie in an advantageous position. Fortunately, all of the Darkness maneuvers are mapped to the directional pad. The uncanny powers are brilliant, but there are a usual selection of weapons ranging from handguns to machine guns as well. It is nothing too spectacular.

The game is not arduous at all. Every foe you will encounter can be easily killed with a headshot. You can literally cruise through the entire game without even touching any machine guns or shotguns. To make matters worse, the artificial intelligence is not necessarily cream of the crop. The enemies make a dreadful attempt to elude incoming fire. Even the civilians do not realistically react accordingly when you approach them. There are a few side missions sprinkled in here and there, but they are more of an afterthought than anything else. A map is given to you, so you will always know where to go. Any video game with a map will appease those (like me) with no sense of direction. The multiplayer is present but is not as engrossing as the single player campaign. Graphically, The Darkness is remarkable. I really felt like I was in New York when as I was playing the game.

The little things like graffiti and street lights give The Big Apple an authentic feel. Unfortunately, you cannot really explore every part of New York. You are coerced into following a linear pathway during the game. What really sells The Darkness is the presentation entailing the music and the voice acting. Although the animations are not as phenomenal as Heavenly Sword, I enjoyed watching the dialogue between characters.

The game has a nice and steady frame rate throughout the duration of the game without any flaws. Ten hours of gameplay will be the amount of time on The Darkness; it is not bad but not fantastic. Overall, The Darkness is a unique game as soon as the opening scenes begins. It is no where near on the same level as The Chronicle of Riddick or BioShock, but avid fans of the first person shooter genre will enjoy eating hearts in no time.

final verdict 8 out of 10

Stranglehold Review

By Sayed Islam

This is a video game sequel to John Woo's blockbuster hit movie Hard Boiled. The game transpires after the events of Hard Boiled and has everything you would expect from John Woo. Stranglehold is a PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC exclusive. Gamers will be in control of protagonist inspector Tequila, and Chow Yun Fat reprises his role as the stylish hero. The plot in Stranglehold is about a little girl being used as ransom; consequently, Tequila is sent to rescue her.

The storyline seems impertinent and takes a backseat to the slow motion and fast action. The gameplay is a swift action packed adventure from start to finish. Players will be immersed in a world that entails bullets flying, cinematic deaths, and plenty of weapons. Virtually the entire environment can be utilized to a certain extent.

If you cannot destroy a pillar, you can probably use it as cover or various other ways during a firefight. In a nutshell, the paramount goal in Stranglehold is to eradicate anything and everything that moves. Players will have a usual arsenal of weapons that include handguns, assault rifles, shotguns, a rocket launcher, and machine guns. In addition, inspector Tequila will be able to utilize four abilities known as Tequila Bombs. These abilities are mapped to the D-pad for easy access, and they all fit the game nicely. In Stranglehold, a visible meter will be at the top of the screen. You have to fill this meter in order to execute a Tequila bomb maneuver. Killing foes is the only way to charge up your meter, so do not be afraid to pull the trigger.

The first Tequila Bomb is a rudimentary health increase. The second Tequila Bomb is precision aiming. Precision aiming gives you a chance to slow down time and accurately target your adversaries. Firing at a particular body part will cause your opponents to act accordingly.

For instance, shooting at his head will cause him to die. Likewise, shooting him in the groin will coerce him to grab his private part and die (my personal favorite place to shoot). The camera will actually zoom in on the bullet in precision aiming mode. The third Tequila Bomb enable you to enter barrage mode. This is very similar to Scarface which gives you a "balls" mode rampage of destruction. It works the same way. You have a limited amount of time where your attributes are enhanced, and you are invincible. The fourth and final Tequila Bomb is a smart bomb. When used, it cause you to pulverize all opponents on screen instantaneously via a cinematic scene. The inspector will spin, (ala Max Payne 2) and only he will remain standing. Another gameplay aspect that will appease Max Payne fans is the aforementioned slow motion bullet time. There is a separate meter for this, and it fills up in the same manner as the Tequila Bomb meter. Slow motion can be initiated when running, walking, diving, and interacting with the environment.

Some of the things you will be able to do are running up and down railings and slide across counters while spraying your rivals with bullets (ala Hard Boiled movie). There is no doubt that many players will enjoy the standoffs in Stranglehold, but I found it to be rather arduous. The standoffs play drastically differently from the actual gameplay. Your objective is to evade and fire simultaneously, but this part of the game is cumbersome. The audio is amazing as you will hear gunfire and people soaring through the air. The graphics are somewhat hit or miss. Chow Yun Fat looks exactly like his real life counterpart, and the setting do look like Hong Kong. However, a good chunk of the enemies appear insipid. There is multiplayer in Stranglehold, but it is not as engrossing as the single player campaign. Stranglehold does have its flaws which are its short length, and the plot is a disaster.

If anyone is intrigued to get their next Max Payne fix, then answer is Stranglehold. The comparisons between Max Payne and Stranglehold are uncanny. From the slow motion bullet time effects to the surprisingly short game, Stranglehold is about as close to Max Payne as you can get. Even though avid gamers will cruise through Stranglehold in one day, that should not deter anyone from playing the game.

final verdict 8 out of 10

Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron Review

By Sayed Islam

Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is a PSP exclusive video game that delves further in a galaxy far, far away. The storyline in the game revolves around Han Solo and the Renegade Squadron. In terms of the plot, it is told from the perspective of commander Col Serra. A comic style (ala Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and Max Payne) was used to divulge the storyline in the game.

The game begins with a customizable character select screen. Gamers can pick the race, gender, and various other traits that can be assigned to a character. The gameplay is about a capture the base mode or a retrieve an item mode. Avid fans of the Star Wars Battlefront series will feel right at home when they acquire bases. It is done in the same exact manner. All you do to capture a command post is stand near a bright light and wait for the light to change colors. After you have captured a base, you can use it to alter gear, weapons, and attributes. The characters in the game have eight designations that can be given to them. This is a checks and balance system that works well.

In addition to the land battles, there are space aircraft fights. Each space battle starts with your character in a hanger that is adjacent to a spacecraft such as an X-Wing or TIE Bomber. Gamers will be shooting lasers and proton rockets in no time. You can even do the same things you were able to do in previous iteration of Star Wars Battlefront. This includes flying your aircraft into an opponents base, and destroying anything that moves. Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, and the most nefarious Darth Vader are all playable characters in the game. All of those men are proficient in the force and can really pulverize foes (only when you are controlling them).

The multiplayer in the game is definitely the selling point of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron. Up to sixteen players can duke it out against each other; that is grandiose for PSP standards. Unfortunately, the controls in the game are mildly disorganized. I never felt like I was in complete control of my character's actions. For instance, I was only able to fire at adversaries that were directly in front of me. There is no manual aiming in the game, so you have to be facing right at your target to damage them. Furthermore, there is a locking on feature that works poorly. Fortunately, the lack of difficulty somewhat compensates for the disastrous controls but not completely.

The game is not arduous even in the slightest. Eradicating the most menacing of foes (like Darth Vader) can be done is an immensely straightforward technique. I was not sure if this was asinine artificial intelligence or merely a gameplay glitch. For whatever reason, I was not elated about the combat in the game. All of the enemies in the game are about lining them up with your targeting reticule and unleashing a barrage of attacks. The exact same principle can be applied to the space action sequences. I have lost track of the plethora of times where all I did was literally fly around like a maniac for a lock on. There are several flaws with the camera angles that I am not even going to begin to discuss here. Moving around the battlefield is time-consuming and vexing.

In regards to the audio, the weapons sounded exactly like I expected it to be. Lasers will have a Star Wars ambiance to them, and the traditional whizzing of the lightsabers is present. The graphics are absolutely abysmal for a PSP video game. Do not expect to see stunning visuals like the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 in this game. I had high hopes for this game, and I really wanted to love it. But I just cannot do that. If you are a Star Wars addict, then you might get some enjoyment from this game. Otherwise, I would advocate waiting for the release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in 2008. Overall, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade is a game that will displease the audience more than Natalie Portman's portrayal of Queen Amidala. Can anyone tell me why Chewbacca did a much better job of acting that her? My point exactly.

final verdict 6.5 out of 10


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