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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Star Wars Battlefront - Renegade Squadron Review

By Sayed Islam

Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron is a PSP exclusive video game that delves further in a galaxy far, far away. The storyline in the game revolves around Han Solo and the Renegade Squadron. In terms of the plot, it is told from the perspective of commander Col Serra. A comic style (ala Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops and Max Payne) was used to divulge the storyline in the game.

The game begins with a customizable character select screen. Gamers can pick the race, gender, and various other traits that can be assigned to a character. The gameplay is about a capture the base mode or a retrieve an item mode. Avid fans of the Star Wars Battlefront series will feel right at home when they acquire bases. It is done in the same exact manner. All you do to capture a command post is stand near a bright light and wait for the light to change colors. After you have captured a base, you can use it to alter gear, weapons, and attributes. The characters in the game have eight designations that can be given to them. This is a checks and balance system that works well.

In addition to the land battles, there are space aircraft fights. Each space battle starts with your character in a hanger that is adjacent to a spacecraft such as an X-Wing or TIE Bomber. Gamers will be shooting lasers and proton rockets in no time. You can even do the same things you were able to do in previous iteration of Star Wars Battlefront. This includes flying your aircraft into an opponents base, and destroying anything that moves. Count Dooku, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, and the most nefarious Darth Vader are all playable characters in the game. All of those men are proficient in the force and can really pulverize foes (only when you are controlling them).

The multiplayer in the game is definitely the selling point of Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron. Up to sixteen players can duke it out against each other; that is grandiose for PSP standards. Unfortunately, the controls in the game are mildly disorganized. I never felt like I was in complete control of my character's actions. For instance, I was only able to fire at adversaries that were directly in front of me. There is no manual aiming in the game, so you have to be facing right at your target to damage them. Furthermore, there is a locking on feature that works poorly. Fortunately, the lack of difficulty somewhat compensates for the disastrous controls but not completely.

The game is not arduous even in the slightest. Eradicating the most menacing of foes (like Darth Vader) can be done is an immensely straightforward technique. I was not sure if this was asinine artificial intelligence or merely a gameplay glitch. For whatever reason, I was not elated about the combat in the game. All of the enemies in the game are about lining them up with your targeting reticule and unleashing a barrage of attacks. The exact same principle can be applied to the space action sequences. I have lost track of the plethora of times where all I did was literally fly around like a maniac for a lock on. There are several flaws with the camera angles that I am not even going to begin to discuss here. Moving around the battlefield is time-consuming and vexing.

In regards to the audio, the weapons sounded exactly like I expected it to be. Lasers will have a Star Wars ambiance to them, and the traditional whizzing of the lightsabers is present. The graphics are absolutely abysmal for a PSP video game. Do not expect to see stunning visuals like the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 in this game. I had high hopes for this game, and I really wanted to love it. But I just cannot do that. If you are a Star Wars addict, then you might get some enjoyment from this game. Otherwise, I would advocate waiting for the release of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in 2008. Overall, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade is a game that will displease the audience more than Natalie Portman's portrayal of Queen Amidala. Can anyone tell me why Chewbacca did a much better job of acting that her? My point exactly.

final verdict 6.5 out of 10

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