Many gaming websites that are on the internet are all pretty much the same. On every front page they have the newest and more anticipated games that are going to be released as well as the latest news in the gaming world. They all pretty much score their games out of 10, they all have cheats and walk-throughs. Plus they all have reviews. I'm sure many of us are all familiar with gaming reviews, and many of us have been to some form of gaming website in the last little bit. Now here's my question, is it just me or do many of the video games reviews on every gaming site seem. . . the same?
Actually I think I like the idea of that, a video games reviews website that has actual game reviews written by actual gamers. You know, the gamers who know these games completely inside and out and can tell you everything that is totally wrong or right with the game, easily at the drop of a hat. These gamers love these games and play them all of the time, what better way to find out a certain game, then through these people? They are the ones who spend their hard earned cash on the games and use their free time to play them.
As was mentioned before, many of the reviews from all of the well known gaming sites, all seem the same and it seems to me anyway, that they are all written by the exact same people. I'm not sure about many gamers, I can only talk about myself. However when I'm interested in a video game I'm the type of person that I will go to a video gaming website and just check out the score out of 10. However once I've done that, I'll go read all of the gamers reviews about the game to find out how they feel about it, and I'll talk to my gaming friends about the game as well.
Personally I think it would be cool to have a website that has video games reviews written by the actual gamers who love the game. To me, there's no other way to find out about a game then by somebody who loves to play it in their spare time for hours. I'm not the type of person who is really interested in reading a review by somebody who may or may not be a gamer, or by somebody who has only played the game through maybe once or twice. I'd rather read it from the true gamers, who are playing each and every day. Who knows better about the games then them?
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