Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Halo Wars - History in the Making?

By John W. Hall

While the Halo franchise has always been the stomping ground of first person shooter games, the latest installment is a departure from the norm. Halo Wars, set for release in early 2009 (February), will take the incredibly popular story and place it firmly within the confines of real-time strategy games.

Groans and moans have echoed across the US at the announcement, it seems as though Ensemble (Halo's developer), has gone to every length possible to enable console gamers to enjoy the game. RTS (real-time strategy) games have traditionally been the hallmark of PC systems, rather than console systems. However, Ensemble has created a radically different control system, enabling the gamer to navigate complex menus with the push of a single button, no keyboard or mouse required.

In addition, the new addition to the Halo lineup departs from traditional RTS games by not focusing exclusively on resource harvesting and management. While economy is obviously a part of the game, it is not the sole focus. Players must focus on winning battle strategy, as well as proper economics, in order to succeed.

Players will also be happy to find the addition of many more Spartans to the game, as well as new (or old, as the case may be) units. Battle rifles will not make an appearance in the game. Instead, units will rely on assault rifles and grenades to destroy the Covenant and Flood units they face. In addition, new aircraft, tanks and other units have been created that reflect the history of military development in the Halo universe.

The game is set to make history by drawing fans of the Halo series into the world of an RTS game. While non-gamers may not understand the significant difference, for hardcore gamers, it is extreme. If the developers can pull off this coup, the Halo franchise will be forever enshrined as shining example of what a popular title can accomplish with the right development. While Bungie is not the main developer of this iteration (they're lending help with the vast Halo canon but not game development), Ensemble seems more than capable of pulling off the attempt. The truth will be revealed in February 2009, when the sales of the game will stand for themselves.

John Hall - A hardcore gamer since the first gaming console (Atari 2600). A gamer since 1982. To get your FREE copy of Halo Wars and Xbox 360 gaming console visit:

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